
Payments & Voluntary Donation

This page will guide you through our methods of payments for new subscriptions, renewal subscriptions and voluntary donations. There is a link to our printable membership application form if you prefer to pay by cheque. If you can Gift Aid your membership, WIAS will receive 25p in the £1 from HM Government. Our on line or printable gift aid forms are available below. Thank you for your support!

Make a Membership Payment or Donate via PayPal
Click on the yellow PayPal ‘Donate’ button below and you will be taken to the secure PayPal site to make your payment or donation. You don’t need a PayPal account as all major credit & debit cards are accepted. If you have a PayPal account just log in in the normal manner. You will receive an email acknowledgement from WIAS.

Make a Membership Payment or Donate via Cheque
We are very happy to receive payments and donations by cheque. Click on the blue buttons below to pay for membership or make a donation. Complete the form, (and the gift aid declaration if desired), and post with your cheque to the address shown on the form. If you require a receipt please enclose a S.A.E.

Make a Membership Payment or Donate via Bank Transfer

Account name:
Warwickshire Industrial Archaeology Society
NatWest Bank
Sort code: 52-30-02 Account number: 30046122

(NOTE: If you pay by this method please include your name as a reference otherwise it will be treated as an anonymous donation!)

If you have any questions concerning a donation, please use the following contact information:
The Treasurer, WIAS, c/o 15 Southbank Rd, Kenilworth, CV8 1LA. Tel. 01926 512136