Contributions from members and visitors
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Topic Contributor Link
A Worcestershire Wizard John Willock VIEW
Automotive Products AP, Leamington Spa Dean Bryson & LHS VIEW
Automotive Products AP, Wartime Factory Film BFI Film Archive VIEW
Automotive Products AP, Borg and Beck
Company – Automotive ClutchesJohn Willock VIEW
Automotive Products AP, Borg and Beck
Cyanide ClutchesStuart Robertson VIEW
Avon Power Station Warwick Chris Capewell VIEW
AW 38 Whitley Bomber John Willock VIEW
AW 52 Flying Wing John Willock VIEW
AW 55 Apollo The Forgotten Airliner John Willock VIEW
AW 650/660 Series Argosy John Willock VIEW
AW/HS 681 An Aeroplane Too Far John Willock VIEW
AW Prone Pilot Meteor John Willock VIEW
AW The Jet Fighter Era John Willock VIEW
Barford Power Station John Brace VIEW
Barnacle Hall Brickworks Martin Green VIEW
Bentley BR1 & BR2 Rotary Aero Engines of World War 1 John Willock VIEW
Berkswell Windmill Stuart Robertson VIEW
Bredasdorp Brickworks South Africa Martin Green VIEW
BTH British Thomson – Houston Company, Rugby David J Wilson VIEW
BTH Rugby – Lamp Making Factories at Rugby Lamptech VIEW
Carbodies London Taxi Manufacturer, Coventry Martin Green VIEW
Charles Gray Hill, Brickmaker, Coventry Martin Green VIEW
Chedhams Yard, Wellesbourne Members VIEW
Cherry Orchard Brickworks, Kenilworth Derek Billings & Richard Storey VIEW
Chesapeake Mill, Hampshire John Willock VIEW
Chipping Campden Silk Mill & the Coventry Ribbon Industry Dick Cluley VIEW
Civil Engineering in Warwickshire Roger Cragg VIEW
Coombe Abbey Country Park, Coventry John Brace VIEW
Coventry Airport 2010 Fly In with Vulcan Members VIEW
Coventry Period Adverts from 1941 Stuart Robertson VIEW
Coventry Workshops Project Chris Capewell VIEW
Crossness in1961 Gorge Sayell VIEW
Diana Barnato -Walker The Powder Compact Incident John Willock VIEW
Differential Analyser George Sayell VIEW
Early Wooden Railways John Willock VIEW
Edge Hill Light Railway, Edge Hill Andrew Baxter VIEW
Eighteenth Century Coventry Silkmen - Master’s of the City’s Industrial Universe David Fry VIEW
Electric Power in Shipston on Stour John Brace VIEW
Emdon Airport Terminal Building Chris Shaw VIEW
Elmdon Airport Terminal and Avro Lancasters (Video) Film by Gary Lewis VIEW
Emscote Mill, Warwick Martin Green VIEW
Frank Whittle Documents & Photos Paul Waller VIEW
Frank & Moses Whittle's Workshop Members VIEW
Flavel of Leamington Spa Richard Storey VIEW
George Singer of Coventry Richard Storey VIEW
Gloster-Whittle E28/39 'Pioneers' John Willock VIEW
Gloster-Whittle E28/39 Sculpture Paul Waller & John Willock VIEW
Gone but not forgotten – Alfred Herbert Edgwick Works Arthur Astropp VIEW
History Underfoot in Leamington Spa John Brace VIEW
History Underfoot in Stratford upon Avon John Brace VIEW
HMS Hood Anniversary John Willock VIEW
Horn Comb Making 1915 & 1935 Martin Green VIEW
Horn Comb Making in Kenilworth Martin Green VIEW
Industrial Walks Peter Chater VIEW
Iron Bridge Fine Porcelain John Willock VIEW
Kenilworth Greenway former LNWR railway Members VIEW
Kenilworth's Last Brickworks Derek Billings & Richard Storey VIEW
Kineton Small Aircraft Hangar, Kineton John Brace VIEW
Kinlochleven Hydro Electric Power
and Aluminium SmelterStuart Robertson VIEW
Leamington Spa Pump Rooms bandstand Martin Green VIEW
Lighthorne Rough Gaydon nuclear bomb store Members VIEW
LNWR Archive Kenilworth LNWR Society VIEW
Long Marston railway storage depot, Warks Members VIEW
MAPS & The Midland Air Museum John Berkeley OBE VIEW
Mark Barnard Martin Green VIEW
Midland Garage Services of Leamington Spa John Willock VIEW
Milestone Society Project in South Warwickshire Milestone Society VIEW
Model Village Long Itchington Lyndon F Cave VIEW
Moore Toffee of Leamington Spa Martin Green VIEW
Museum of Electric Lamp Technology Members VIEW
N C Joseph & SonA of Stratford upon Avon Stuart Robertson & Martin Green VIEW
National Library of Scotland Map Collection NLS VIEW
Napton Brickworks Martin Green VIEW
Oil Lamps to Gas Lights in Stratford on Avon John Brace VIEW
Precision Gauge Blocks John Willock VIEW
President Steam Boat Derek Billings VIEW
Priors Marston Brick Yard - Marston Hill Brick & Tile Co. Alan Flint VIEW
“Regent of London“
David Strasburger Limited, Leamington SpaJohn Willock VIEW
Rock Mill Leamington Spa Martin Green VIEW
Rugby Rd Rail Bridge Replacement, Leamington Spa George Sayell VIEW
Saltisford Arm, Warwick Martin Green VIEW
Shipston on Stour Gas Works 1963 Barry Franklin VIEW
Seven Springs – Water Supplies to Warwickshire Villages John Brace VIEW
Silent Servants: the long story of electric vehicles in Britain Eric Woodcock VIEW
Snow Hill Station 1977 Derek Billings VIEW
Southam (Kaye’s) Cement Works Martin Green VIEW
Stourbridge Glass History Dr Kate Round VIEW
Stratford upon Avon Improvement Works John Brace VIEW
Steam Launch "Consuta" John Willock VIEW
The Banbury Aluminium Works 1929 - 2009 Richard Hartree VIEW
The Castle Bromwich
Aircraft FactoryJohn Willock VIEW
The Fountains of Long Compton John Brace VIEW
The Iron Pillar of Delhi Stuart Robertson VIEW
The Lost Water of Astley Castle Moat John Brace VIEW
The Maginot Line - A German TV documentary Mark Willock VIEW
The Rise & Fall of Coventry’s Airframe Industry John Willock VIEW
The Rise & Fall of Coventry’s Machine Tool Industry Arthur Astropp VIEW
The Stone Pipe Company of Guiting Power 1805-1815 John Willock VIEW
The Story of Leamington's Water Supply Jeff Burgess VIEW
The Wartime Shadow Factory System John Willock VIEW
The Warwick and Leamington Telegraph System John Brace VIEW
The Warwick Improvement Works – Warwicks Water Suppyl & Drainage 1848 to 1877 John Brace VIEW
The Warwick Water Houses John Brace VIEW
The Weaver’s House, Spon End, Coventry Members VIEW
Tie Plates Richard Storey VIEW
Tornado specialist transport bookshop & model shop, B’ham Tornado Bookshop VIEW
Upton House & Shenington Airfield in Wartime John Willock VIEW
Victoria Brickworks, Longford, Coventry Martin Green VIEW
Visit to Dennis Eagle Complex at Warwick by WIAS Martin Green VIEW
Visit to GE (BT-H) Frank Whittle 80th Anniversary John Willock VIEW
Vulcans at Bitteswell John Willock VIEW
Vulcan returns to former RAF Gaydon – Cold War Tour 2014 Members VIEW
Warwick Castle Engine House Members VIEW
Warwick Emscote Power Station Chris Capewell VIEW
Warwickshire Ice Houses Members VIEW
Warwickshire Wayside – surviving wayside heritage Warwickshire Wayside VIEW
Water in Warwickshire Martin Green VIEW
Water Towers in Warwickshire Roger Cragg VIEW
Webster’s Brickworks, Foleshill (Photos) Martin Green VIEW
Western Power Electricity Historical Society Peter Coulls VIEW
White Japanned Clock Dials John Willock VIEW
Wilkins & Webster Brickmakers Martin Green VIEW
Websters Brickworks 1904-1945 Martin Green VIEW
Webster Hemming and Sons Coventry 1945 – Present Martin Green VIEW
Windows on Warwickshire – Unlocking the Past Warks CC VIEW
World War II Decoys Deceptions and Concealments in Warwickshire John Willock VIEW
The late Peter Chater’s contributions are available below.
To read more about Peter and see an obituary click here.
I.A. Holidays & Days Out
Coach outing to Wigan VIEW
Glasgow I.A. Holiday VIEW
Peregrination in Cornwall VIEW
Sussex & Kent I.A. Holiday VIEW
I.A. Subjects
Cob Walling, Claverdon VIEW
Harbury Windmill, Warwicks VIEW
Leamington Spa LNWR Railway Bridge VIEW
Sydney Harbour Bridge VIEW
Warwick & B’ham Canal VIEW
Water Wheels, Different Types VIEW
Wharf Locations Warwick & B’ham Canal (Bradshaws 1904 Canal & River Guide with further details) VIEW
Wharf Locations Warwick & Napton Canal VIEW
Wind & Watermills Write Up VIEW
Hatton Bank & Bank Engine VIEW
Leamington Spa Ave Booking Office VIEW
Lighting up a Locomotive VIEW
Locomotive Sand Pipes VIEW
Preparing a GWR Locomotive for a Day VIEW
Train Working Leamington Spa & Stratford upon Avon VIEW
The Alcester Railway VIEW
Warwick Gas Works 2005 VIEW
An Imaginary Conversation with a Donkey VIEW
Armscote Railway Coaches VIEW
Coat of Arms Leamington Spa VIEW
Herman and His Lamp – Letter VIEW
Leamington Spa High Street Railway Bridge VIEW
Lillington & Red House Farm VIEW
Piping Pebworth, Dancing Marston VIEW
Wormleighton Grange Landing Stage VIEW